Short CV

Full CV as pdf and updated list of publications as pdf.


March 2013 Marie-Curie Intra European Fellowship at Imperial College London
May 2011 Ph.D. degree (Dr. techn.) from the Graz University of Technology with highest distinction
September-October 2009 Guest Researcher at TKK, Helsinki, Finland
2007 - 2011 Doctoral program (PhD) in computer science at the Graz University of Technology
Supervision: Prof. Dieter Schmalstieg and Prof. Markus Hadwiger
October 2007 Master's degree (Dipl.-Ing., MSc.) from the Graz University of Technology with highest distinction
2005 - 2007 Master's studies in Computer Science at the Graz University of Technology
June 2005 Bachelor's degree (Bakk. techn.) from the Graz University of Technology
2001 - 2005 Bachelor studies in Telematics
2001 Military service, Aufklaerungsbataillon 1, Hackherkaserne Gratkorn. (peeling potatoes)
2000 Graduation (Matura) at BG/BRG Fuerstenfeld with distinction
1992 - 2000 Secondary school (Gymnasium) BG/BRG Fuerstenfeld
1988 - 1992 Primary School (Volksschule) at Schillerplatz Fuerstenfeld


Since 2013 Marie-Curie fellow at Imperial College London, UK
2011-2013 Lead researcher Austrian Science Fund (FWF): "Managed Volume Processing", TU-Graz, Austria
Since 2011 Technical consultant Perception Park e.U. Graz, Austria
2011 - 2012 Lead researcher and principal engineer EU FP7 project IMPPACT (223877), TU-Graz, Austria
2008 - 2011 Principal engineer EU FP7 project IMPPACT (223877), TU-Graz, Austria
 2008 - 2011 Research Assistant at the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision (Graz University of Technology)
December 2007 - July 2008 Research Assistant at the Department of Urology (Medical University of Innsbruck)
October 2007 - December 2007 Research assistant at the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision (Graz University of Technology)
2004 - 2007 Principal engineer project ``4D-Flow'', SIEMENS HealthCare Graz, Austria
 2006 - 2013 minimally employed at the "Institut für Hochspannungstechnik und Systemmanagement" Research, Programming, Illustrations
2001 - 2004 Magnasteyr Graz (automobile sector) Research, Programming, Webdesign, Quality Management, Project Management
1997 - 2000 Service at Stadtwerke Fürstenfeld Customer Service, Administration
1996 Cooking Internship at Restaurant Hofkeller in Fürstenfeld cooking on a high level (2 Gault Millau points)

Stipends, achievements, granted projects

2012 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IEF at Imperial College London
2012 FWF Erwin Schrödinger Scholarship at Imperial College London
resigned in favour of a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship
2012 Collaborative project EU FP7 ClinicImppact
2012 Collaborative project EU FP7 Go-Smart: A Generic Open-end Simulation Environment for Minimally Invasive Cancer Treatment,
project number FP7-ICT-2011-9 600641 (overall approx. 4 Mio Euro)
2012 'Karl-Heinz-Höhne Medvis Award' research prize,
3rd price for the work 'Crepuscular Rays for Tumor Accessibility Planning.'
2011 'Forum Technology and Society' research prize,
Research price for the best dissertation in Graz 2011
2011 Ing. F. Schmiedl research prize,
Research price for the best dissertation in human technology and
communication technology by the Ing. F. Schmiedl foundation
2011 Best paper award,
International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, Vancouver, Canada
2011 "Managed Volume Processing on the GPU".
Funded by FWF Austrian Science Fund, P23329.
2010 "FutureLab"
granted by Graz University of Technology
2008 "ACM Honorable Mention".
CGEMS Computer Graphics Educational Materials Source, SIGGRAPH Educational Committee and the Eurographics Education Board (2008). .
2007 Award for excellent performance as a student (Leistungsstipendium)
granted by the Faculty of Computer Science, Graz University of Technology
2007 Research grant for students (Förderstipendium)
awarded by the Faculty of Computer Science, Graz University of Technology


  • F.A.U.S.T. -- Flexible Application of Uncertainty for Scanning and Tracking FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IEF
  • Managed Volume Processing on the GPU -- MVP visit this link

  • Image-based Multi-scale Physiological Planning for Ablation Cancer Treatment - IMPPACT
    IMPPACT is a European FP7 ICT-Project (STREP) started on 1.09.2008 with the end on 31.08.2011. It aims to develop an intervention planning system for Radiofrequency Ablation of malignant liver tumours.

    In November 2007 I started my work on PASCAL (Position Awareness in Surgery through Computer Aided Localization) together with Prof. Bartsch from the Innsbruck University Clinic.
    We have massively used graphics hardware acceleration to reconstruct the biopsy position of a patient during surgery. The project has been stopped because of funding issues.
    Since 2004 I am working with Ursula Reiter and Gert Reiter with SIEMENS Healthcare, the Graz University clinic of Radiology and the Diagnstikzentrum Graz on phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging to measure and visualize cardiovascular blood flow. The image below side shows my own carotid artery with a nice one million particle effect.
  • Cran-US
    In Summer 2008 I supervised an internship at my institute to finalize a neonatal ultrasonic simulator. I exposed the Cran-US ultrasonic simulator, which is the work of Daniela Markov-Vetter, at the ECR conference 2008 in Vienna. The image below shows the setup there in action.

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